About Gyeongnam

General Information

  • Household & Population: Total 1,525,502 households and 3,339,071 populations (as of December 31, 2023)
  • Area: 10,541.73㎢ (10.5% of the territory of the Republic of Korea)
  • dministrative Districts: 8 Cities, 10 Guns, 5 Gus, and 305 Eups, Myeons, and Dongs (as of January 1, 2023)

Administrative Organization and Budget Status

  • Current Provincial Organization (as of December 31, 2023) See Organization Chart
    • Main Provincial Government Office: 15 departments, bureaus, and offices; 76 divisions, sections, units, and officers
    • Secretariat of Provincial Assembly: 3 Officers and 7 Expert Committee Members to form a General Office.
  • Provincial Public Service Personnel: Total 7,149 (6 in national positions and 7,143 in local government positions)
  • Budget Status (the main budget of the year 2023): KRW 32.3114 trillion (KRW 28.5444 trillion in general accounting and KRW 3.7671 trillion billion in special accounting).

Province Indices

  • Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) (Year 2022, provisional): KRW 120.600 trillion ⇒ Marks up 5.5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Republic of Korea and the 3rd highest GRDP among all provinces of the Republic of Korea.
  • GRDP per capita (Year 2022, provisional): KRW 36 million
    → The Gross Regional Income (GRI) amounts to KRW 116.901 trillion, with per capita personal income recording KRW 35.54 million
  • Budget of the Gyeongnam Agricultural Policy Bureau (2024 fiscal year) KRW 500.9 billion
    → A total of KRW 12.9 billion is allocated to support 9 projects across 3 sectors in the agricultural food export area

Agricultural, Forestry, Fisheries, and Food Export Performance

  • Export performance recorded its highest for two consecutive years at USD 1.373 billion (approximately KRW 1.7845 trillion)
  • The export target for 2024 is set at USD 1.46 billion

Size of Gyeongsangnam-do Provincial Government Complex

  • Plottage of 221,000㎡, gross floor area of 58,000㎡, landscaping area of 109,000㎡
  • Total 32 thousands of 92 different types of trees including Zelkova