Household & Population: Total 1,525,502 households and 3,339,071 populations (as of December 31, 2023)
Area: 10,541.73㎢ (10.5% of the territory of the Republic of Korea)
dministrative Districts: 8 Cities, 10 Guns, 5 Gus, and 305 Eups, Myeons, and Dongs (as of January 1, 2023)
Administrative Organization and Budget Status
Current Provincial Organization (as of December 31, 2023) See Organization Chart
Main Provincial Government Office: 15 departments, bureaus, and offices; 76 divisions, sections, units, and officers
Secretariat of Provincial Assembly: 3 Officers and 7 Expert Committee Members to form a General Office.
Provincial Public Service Personnel: Total 7,149 (6 in national positions and 7,143 in local government positions)
Budget Status (the main budget of the year 2023): KRW 32.3114 trillion (KRW 28.5444 trillion in general accounting and KRW 3.7671 trillion billion in special accounting).
Province Indices
Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) (Year 2022, provisional): KRW 120.600 trillion ⇒ Marks up 5.5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Republic of Korea and the 3rd highest GRDP among all provinces of the Republic of Korea.
GRDP per capita (Year 2022, provisional): KRW 36 million
→ The Gross Regional Income (GRI) amounts to KRW 116.901 trillion, with per capita personal income recording KRW 35.54 million
Budget of the Gyeongnam Agricultural Policy Bureau (2024 fiscal year) KRW 500.9 billion
→ A total of KRW 12.9 billion is allocated to support 9 projects across 3 sectors in the agricultural food export area
Agricultural, Forestry, Fisheries, and Food Export Performance
Export performance recorded its highest for two consecutive years at USD 1.373 billion (approximately KRW 1.7845 trillion)
The export target for 2024 is set at USD 1.46 billion
Size of Gyeongsangnam-do Provincial Government Complex
Plottage of 221,000㎡, gross floor area of 58,000㎡, landscaping area of 109,000㎡
Total 32 thousands of 92 different types of trees including Zelkova