flowering plant HS CODE : Output : Export country : Japan,China Inquiry : Gyeongnam Trading Inc.: +82-55-249-8054 http://www.gnti.co.kr Favorites INQUIRY
Rose HS CODE : 0602-40-0000 Output : 25,000,000 trees Export country : Japan and Russia Inquiry : Gyeongnam Trading Inc.: +82-55-249-8054 http://www.gnti.co.kr Favorites INQUIRY
Chrysanthemums HS CODE : 0602-90-1050 Output : 49,000,000 trees Export country : Japan and Russia Inquiry : Gyeongnam Trading Inc.: +82-55-249-8054 http://www.gnti.co.kr Favorites INQUIRY
Tropical orchid HS CODE : 0603-13-1000 Output : 100,000 trees Export country : China Inquiry : Gyeongnam Trading Inc.: +82-55-249-8054 http://www.gnti.co.kr Favorites INQUIRY