Green Tea/Teas

Lotus Leaf Rice, Lotus Leaf Tea, Lotus Root Tea, Black Lotus, Lotus Root Chips, Onion Chips, Cosmetic product made with lotus flower

All products are made with non-pesticide certified lotus leaves and lotus roots grown in clean waters of Hamyang located on the edges of Jirisan Mountain. Lotus leaf rice is a special food that can replace a healthy meal as it is made with various grains grown in environment free of pesticide.
The black lotus root aged using our own patented technique is good for supporting healthy condition and is known to have unique taste and flavor. This fried snacks are are produced through vacuum-low temperature technique and brings the original flavor of natural environment with minimum amount of oil. It is a good snack for anyone. This is a mask pack and facial mist are made with essence created from extracts of lotus flower, lotus leaf, and lotus stems.
HS CODE : 1904.90-9000, 2101.20-9090, 2005.99-9000, 2106.90-9099, 2005.20-9000, 3307.90-9000
Hwa Shin Farming Cooperatives
Export country
USA, Hong Kong, Vietnam

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  • Hwa Shin Farming Cooperatives
    • Representative Suman Ha
    • Address 619-45, Hamyang-ro, Hamyang-eup, Hamyang-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do
    • Contact Tel. (+82)55-962-8852 / Fax. (+82)55-962-0135
    • Email
    • Homepage
    • Export country USA, Hong Kong, Vietnam
    • Annual sales 550 million won (Domestic demand 520 , Export 30 )
    Certification List
  • Lotus Leaf Rice, Lotus Leaf Tea, Lotus Root Tea, Black Lotus, Lotus Root Chips, Onion Chips, Cosmetic product made with lotus flower - 사진
    Product overview(Product differentiation)

    All products are made with non-pesticide certified lotus leaves and lotus roots grown in clean waters of Hamyang located on the edges of Jirisan Mountain.
    Lotus leaf rice is a special food that can replace a healthy meal as it is made with various grains grown in environment free of pesticide.
The black lotus root aged using our own patented technique is good for supporting healthy condition and is known to have unique taste and flavor.
    This fried snacks are are produced through vacuum-low temperature technique and brings the original flavor of natural environment with minimum amount of oil. It is a good snack for anyone.
    This is a mask pack and facial mist are made with essence created from extracts of lotus flower, lotus leaf, and lotus stems.

    Product type

    Lotus leaf rice(150g, 200g, 230g)
    Tea bag(Lotus leaf tea, Lotus root tea)
    Fermented black lotus root (70g/15g)
    Black lotus ginger tea stick(15g*30ea)
    Vaccum fried snack(Lotus root, Onion)
    Functional cosmetics(mask pack, mist, cream, cleanser)


    ISO22000, HACCP