

Eco-friendly environmental conditions give pears a firm texture, vitamin B, and vitamin C and makes them juicier. Pears are effective for respiratory diseases, colds, tussis, asthma and promote bowel movements and diuresis. In addition, they are effective for phlegm, cough, and detox and relieve a horse throat, stomachache, and hangover.
HS CODE : 0808-30-0000
Export country
Thailand, Vietnam, and Hong Kong, Australia, Guam
Delivery period
late August through next February
Gyeongnam Trading Inc.: +82-55-249-8054

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  • Pear - 사진
    Product Information
    • Item : Pear
    • Major producing areas : Jinju-si, Hadong-gun, Sancheong-gun
    • Cultivation information : 835ha of cultivation area, 1,367farm households
    • Output : 11,562tons
    • Export country : Thailand, Vietnam, and Hong Kong, Australia, Guam
    • Delivery period : late August through next February
    • Packing unit : 5㎏, 7.5kg, 10㎏, 15㎏, 20kg
    Features (Product differentiation)

    Eco-friendly environmental conditions give pears a firm texture, vitamin B, and vitamin C and makes them juicier. Pears are effective for respiratory diseases, colds, tussis, asthma and promote bowel movements and diuresis. In addition, they are effective for phlegm, cough, and detox and relieve a horse throat, stomachache, and hangover.

    • Producer : Munsan Agricultural Export Complex, Jungbu Agricultural Export Complex, Horticultural Export Complex, Nambu Nonghyup, Hadong Pear Cultivation Association, Sancheong-gun Agricultural Cooperative Association
    • Exporters : Gyeongnam Trading Inc. +82-55-249-8071, Rima Global, Cozline, Jun International