
King Oyster Mushroom (Eryngii)

King Oyster Mushrooms grown in an optimal environment have beautiful colors and a firm and enjoyable texture. They are easy to store and suitable for export.
HS CODE : 0709-59-4010
Export country
United States, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Australia, Spain, Japan, Germany, Belgium, France
Delivery period
Throughout the year
Gyeongnam Trading Inc.: +82-55-249-8054

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  • King Oyster Mushroom (Eryngii) - 사진
    Product Information
    • Item : King Oyster Mushroom (Eryngii)
    • Major producing areas : Miryang-si, Uiryeong-gun, Hadong-gun, Jinju-si, Sacheon-si, Hamyang-gun
    • Cultivation information : 32ha of cultivation area, 172farm households
    • Output : 11,218tons
    • Export country : United States, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Australia, Spain, Japan, Germany, Belgium, France
    • Delivery period : Throughout the year
    • Packing unit : 4kg, 10kg
    Features (Product differentiation)

    King Oyster Mushrooms grown in an optimal environment have beautiful colors and a firm and enjoyable texture. They are easy to store and suitable for export.

    • Producer : Ryu Kang-joon, Uiryeong Saesong Mushroom Export Monopoly, Namkyung Organic Farm, Munsan Mush, Mushtopia, Dojun Agricultural, Hanaro Agricultural, Deokcheon Agricultural, Haemaru Farm, Mush Farm, Hamyang Jirisan Mushroom Export Monopoly
    • Exporters : Gyeongnam Trading 055-249-8071, Green Co., Ltd., Hansarang, Fabric Trading, QK, Alps Trading, (Nong) Green Gaon Co., Ltd., Heechang C&T, NH Nonghyup Trading