Green Tea/Teas

Chlorella Germinated Brown Rice Tea

When brown rice is fermented, the phosphate changes and the surface becomes very soft. Fermented brown rice is composed of vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, SOD (superoxide dismutase), and other useful components. The human body prevents various geriatric diseases and detoxifies itself. This product is mixture of organically cultivated chlorella and balsamic pear fruit.
HS CODE : 2101.20-0000
Koreachlorella Co., Ltd
Export country

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  • Koreachlorella Co., Ltd
    • Representative Og-Nam Bae
    • Address 82, Dojeon 2-gil, Maam-myeon, Goseong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do
    • Contact Tel. (+82)55-673-1449 / Fax. (+82)55-673-2409
    • Email
    • Homepage
    • Export country
    • Annual sales 40 million won (Domestic demand 40)
  • Chlorella Germinated Brown Rice Tea - 사진
    Product overview(Product differentiation)

    When brown rice is fermented, the phosphate changes and the surface becomes very soft. Fermented brown rice is composed of vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, SOD (superoxide dismutase), and other useful components. The human body prevents various geriatric diseases and detoxifies itself. This product is mixture of organically cultivated chlorella and balsamic pear fruit.

    Product type

    Neo Chlorella Tablets
    Proud Balsamic Pear (Granulated)
    Pear Bellflower Keulcheong
    Chlorella Germinated Brown Rice Tea
    Hanshin Chlorella Soybean Paste

